At América Móvil, we are working hard to preserve our position of leadership in the telecommunications sector by offering state-of-the-art technologies and improved services while moving toward the achievement of internal and external sustainability.
For several years, we have been laying the ground for this transformation through various initiatives, beginning with the identification of nine stakeholder groups that exert influence on our operations and productivity and with whom we are engaged in two-way relationships characterized by an ongoing dialogue.
Based on these interactions, we set out to identify those aspects of our operations that are material to sustainability. In 2015 we conducted a survey among 49 thousand employees, investors, directors, customers and suppliers of five of our subsidiaries in different countries, which we supplemented with a materiality analysis performed by Telekom Austria, and identified 30 material aspects that we have since been addressing through numerous actions.
Internally, we have established local and, in some cases, regional sustainability committees to replicate and increase our efforts across our operations and to measure and improve our sustainability performance.
In addition, our commitment to being a sustainable organization has led us to subscribe to global initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact, which we joined in early 2016. We have begun analyzing the ways in which we can contribute to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, focusing our efforts on those such goals that most closely relate to our operations: Quality education; Gender equality; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, innovation and infrastructure; Reduced inequality; Sustainable cities and safe communities; Responsible consumption and production; Climate action; and Peace, justice and strong institutions.
In order to provide an easier understanding of this report, we have divided it into two large sections that best illustrate the way in which we are having material sustainability impacts:
Transforming our Business, which describes how we are changing internally to become an increasingly sustainable operation.
Transforming our Environment, which describes the manner in which we foster the development of those who use our services and the communities where we are present.